

CEO and Solicitor

Babs is the founder and a director of Jamieson Law. She advises on a wide range of corporate and commercial matters and is qualified to practise in England and Wales, Scotland, Ireland, New York and California.
After working in large-scale law firms and in-house with clients, Babs noticed some significant issues with the delivery of traditional legal services. Jamieson Law was created to address these issues and Babs launched the company in 2019, with a view to changing the landscape of legal services.
She believes that all legal advice should be easy to understand, straightforward and simple to apply. She places a major emphasis on building client relationships, understanding their business model and supporting them on their growth journey.
This vision led to the creation of our key philosophies of transparency, responsiveness, speaking in plain English and helping clients to minimise legal risk in a pragmatic way.

*We’re regulated by the Law Society of Scotland and our Irish firm is regulated by the Law Society of Ireland. This doesn’t mean we can only advise Scottish or Irish clients - we work with clients across the UK and Ireland on business and brand protection matters. We do not deal with matters surrounding disputes and litigation. We are qualified in English, Scots and Irish law. We can also advise on New York and California law*

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