What’s the difference between letter of intent vs letter of engagement?

In legal transactions, understanding the nuances between different legal documents is crucial. Two terms that often cause confusion are "Letter of Intent" (LOI) and "Letter of Engagement" (LOE). While both are important in their own right, but if you're asking yourself, 'what's the difference between letter of intent vs letter ...
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Letter of Engagement

Demystifying Letters of Engagement: your guide to secure and transparent legal relationships

Clarity and mutual understanding are paramount. For businesses engaging in legal services, a Letter of Engagement (LOE) serves as a foundational document that defines the terms and conditions of the professional relationship between a client and a law firm like Jamieson Law. In this article we’ll take a look into ...
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Heads of terms

Understanding Heads of Terms

Navigating complex transactions and agreements requires careful planning and clear communication. At Jamieson Law, we understand the importance of laying a solid foundation for your business dealings, which is why we often recommend utilising Heads of Terms at the start of your commercial negotiations. What are Heads of Terms? Heads ...
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Understanding good and bad leaver provisions 

When it comes to employee share options and equity ownership within a company, "good" and "bad" leaver provisions play a crucial role in defining the rights and outcomes for employees who leave their employment. At Jamieson Law, we recognise the importance of understanding good and bad lever provisions to ensure ...
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Lynne setting up a share options scheme

The benefits of giving your staff share options

We understand that building a successful business involves more than just day-to-day operations and customer satisfaction. In fact, recruiting into a scaling business can be risky for employees and so fostering a motivated and loyal team that shares in your company’s success is often critical. One powerful way to achieve ...
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Setting up a share options pool for your team

Three things you need to know about setting up a share options pool 

Setting up a share options pool is a great strategy for companies who want to attract and retain talented employees while aligning their interests with the company's growth. In this article, we’ll explore three critical considerations to ensure your share options pool is structured effectively. 1 - Legal and regulatory ...
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How to change your business structure

As businesses grow and evolve, their original structure might no longer be the best fit. Whether you're looking to mitigate liability, attract investment, or accommodate new business partners, changing your business structure can be a strategic move. However, this process involves several legal and administrative steps. In this article, we’ll ...
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The best legal structure to scale your business 

When it comes to scaling your business, choosing the right legal structure is a crucial decision that can influence your growth trajectory. The legal structure you select impacts everything from liability and taxation to control and compliance requirements. In this article, we’ll explore the various legal structures available in the ...
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Navigating the new Labour government: a business checklist for owners

T he recent election has ushered in a new Labour government, bringing with it a host of changes that can impact businesses across the UK. A few weeks ago we asked our clients what was most important to them, you can read more about that here. To help you stay ...
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How Long Does It Take to Sell a Business?

One of the most common questions we receive at Jamieson Law is: "How long does it take to sell a business?" The answer can vary widely depending on numerous factors. We've previously described the steps involved in selling a business, which you can read more about here. In this article ...
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The 6 steps to sell your business

In recent articles we’ve covered a lot of detail on what’s involved when you decide it's the right time to sell your business, there is a lot of information to understand. Undeniably, selling a business can be complex and so to help you better understand what’s involved, we’ve broken down ...
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The difference between an asset sale and a share sale

If you’re considering selling your business or buying one, you’ve likely come across the terms "asset sale" and "share sale." But what do these terms actually mean, and how do they impact the transaction? Let’s dive into the details to help you understand the difference between an asset sale and ...
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legal documents you need to sell your business

What legal documents do you need to sell your business?

Selling a business is a significant milestone that involves meticulous planning and preparation. Among the most crucial aspects of this process is ensuring you have all the necessary legal documents in place. Having the right documentation ready not only streamlines the sale but also helps you avoid potential legal pitfalls. ...
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What’s my business worth? Getting an accurate business valuation

When it comes to selling your business, one of the most crucial steps is determining its value. Getting an accurate business valuation can be a complex process, but getting it right is essential for ensuring you receive a fair price and attract serious buyers. Here's a comprehensive guide on how ...
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What is due diligence and what’s involved? 

Due diligence is a critical part of selling your business. It’s a process whereby both parties have the opportunity to provide and receive a clear understanding of the financial, commercial, operational and legal state of a business.   If you’re the seller of a business, the terms may require you to ...
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Setting up a share options pool for your team

Thinking of selling your business? Here’s how to prepare for it

Selling a business is a significant decision, one that requires thorough preparation and careful consideration to make sure that the outcome is both successful and profitable for you. We’ve created 6 key areas that you will need to focus on as you prepare to sell your business: 1. Get your ...
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How to protect your business during economic downturns

Economic downturns can pose significant challenges for businesses, but with the right strategies and legal measures in place, you can safeguard your business and navigate through tough times. For business owners in the UK and Ireland, understanding how to protect your business during economic challenges is essential. Diversify revenue streams ...
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Commercial property and what insurance you need

When owning or leasing commercial property, having the right insurance coverage is crucial. It not only protects your investment but also ensures compliance with legal requirements. For business owners in the UK and Ireland, understanding the types of insurance necessary for commercial property and the associated legal implications is essential. ...
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Setting up a franchise business and the legal requirements and considerations

Starting a franchise business can be an exciting and lucrative opportunity, but it requires careful planning and attention to legal details. For business owners in the UK and Ireland, understanding the legal requirements and considerations is crucial to ensuring a successful and compliant franchise. Legal requirements for setting up a ...
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What our clients are saying about the upcoming general election

As the UK gears up for the upcoming general election on July 4th, businesses across the country are closely watching the political landscape. At Jamieson Law, we recently surveyed our clients to understand their concerns and priorities during this pivotal time. Here's what they had to say: Top priorities for ...
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Data security and privacy considerations when using AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionising the business landscape by offering unparalleled efficiency and innovation. However, the integration of AI into business operations brings significant data security and privacy challenges that UK and Irish business owners must address. Ensuring compliance with data protection laws and safeguarding sensitive information is crucial. In ...
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AI and IP

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming the business landscape, driving innovation and efficiency. However, as AI becomes more integrated into business operations, it raises significant questions about intellectual property (IP). Understanding how to protect your AI-driven innovations and navigate the complexities of AI and IP is crucial for businesses in ...
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What are the legal pitfalls of using AI in my business?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming the way businesses operate, offering unprecedented efficiency and innovation. However, integrating AI into your business also comes with a range of legal pitfalls that need careful consideration. As a small commercial law firm serving the UK and Ireland, we at Jamieson Law are here to ...
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AI Means I need to reduce headcount, how do I do this fairly?

As Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to advance and integrate into various business operations, many UK and Irish businesses are finding themselves in a position where reducing headcount is necessary. While AI can greatly enhance efficiency and productivity, it also poses challenges, particularly in terms of workforce management. Ensuring that any ...
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How is AI impacting businesses legally?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionising businesses across the globe, and the UK and Ireland are no exceptions. From automating routine tasks to providing insights through data analysis, AI offers tremendous benefits. However, the integration of AI into business operations also brings a host of legal considerations that business owners must ...
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Acquisition as a Growth Strategy 

For many UK and Irish business owners, growth is a primary goal, not just for the immediate gains but also for long-term sustainability. Among the various growth strategies, acquisition stands out as a particularly effective method for rapid expansion and market penetration.  Why consider acquisition?  Rapid market expansion - Acquisitions ...
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The essentials of investing in a business 

Investing in a business can be an exhilarating way to expand your financial portfolio and engage with new market opportunities. Whether you are considering investing in a start-up or an established company, understanding the legal and strategic aspects of business investment is crucial.  Understand the business - Before committing your ...
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Articles of Association – What are they and do I need them? 

When launching a company in the UK or Ireland, one crucial document you'll encounter is the Articles of Association. This document forms the backbone of your company, outlining the rules governing the management and structure of your business.  What are Articles of Association?  Articles of Association are a mandatory document ...
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Outsourcing IT services could be a good option for your business. But what are the legal risks? 

Outsourcing IT services can offer numerous benefits, from cost savings to enhanced efficiency and access to specialised expertise. However, while the advantages are compelling, it's crucial for business owners in the UK and Ireland to be aware of the potential legal risks associated with outsourcing IT functions. At Jamieson Law, ...
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Mastering contract negotiations with large organisations

Negotiating contract terms with large organisations can be a daunting task for UK and Irish business owners. The perceived power imbalance, complex legal jargon, and high stakes make it crucial to approach these negotiations with a solid strategy and clear understanding.   Prepare Thoroughly  Before entering any negotiation, preparation is key. ...
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Is international trademark protection worth it for UK and Irish business owners? 

In today’s global marketplace, UK and Irish business owners are increasingly looking beyond domestic borders to expand their operations. With this expansion comes the question - Is international trademark protection worth the investment? Jamieson Law specialise in intellectual property law and understand the complexities involved in protecting your brand on ...
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Essential considerations when taking out a lease for your business 

Securing a commercial lease is a significant decision for any UK and Irish business owner. It involves long-term commitments and can have profound effects on your business's operational capabilities and financial health. Understanding the key elements of a commercial lease and what to watch out for can save you from ...
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Do I need copyright disclaimers for my website? 

In the digital age, protecting your online content is more important than ever. For small UK and Irish business owners, this raises a crucial question: "Do I need copyright disclaimers for my website?" The short answer is yes. Copyright disclaimers serve as a vital legal tool to safeguard your website's ...
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What is the process for selling my small business?

Are you considering selling your small business but find yourself tangled in the complexities of the process? Selling a business is a significant decision, involving numerous steps that can seem daunting without the right guidance. Here at Jamieson Law, we aim to shed light on the journey of selling your ...
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Do I need a contract lawyer for my small business? 

For small UK and Irish business owners navigating the complexities of commercial law, one question often arises: "Do I need a contract lawyer for my small business?" The simple answer is yes, and here’s why. A contract lawyer doesn't just draft documents; they are a crucial asset in ensuring your ...
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Why Does Jamieson Law Specialise in Tech, Media, and Growth Businesses? 

At Jamieson Law, we pride ourselves on understanding the dynamic and fast-paced nature of the tech and media industries, as well as the unique challenges faced by growth businesses. Our commitment to these sectors is driven by a recognition of their transformative impact on our economy and society.   Pioneering Innovation ...
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Actions to Take if Someone Uses Your Brand Name

For small UK and Irish business owners, your brand name is not just a label—it's a representation of your identity, your reputation, and your promise to your customers. It is crucial to protect this asset vigorously. But what should you do if you find out that someone else is using ...
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What happens When A Supplier Breaches Their Agreement?

For small business owners, building a reliable network of suppliers is crucial to ensuring smooth operations and maintaining quality service. However, what happens when a supplier fails to meet their contractual obligations?   Understanding Supplier Breaches  A breach occurs when one party in a contractual agreement fails to fulfil their ...
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Securing your brand’s future and the importance of trademark registration for business owners

Establishing and protecting your brand is more crucial than ever. Trademark registration is a key step in safeguarding your unique identity, ensuring your brand remains exclusively yours. At Jamieson Law, we specialise in guiding business owners through the trademarking process, ensuring your brand is protected against infringement and poised for ...
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A quick guide for UK small business owners and their contractor agreements

If you are a small business in the UK, working with contractors may have become an integral part of your growth and operational flexibility. However, the foundation of a successful partnership with freelancers or independent contractors is a well-structured contract. At Jamieson Law we understand the importance of safeguarding your ...
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Unlocking the Power of NDAs for Small UK Business Owners

In the dynamic landscape of UK business, safeguarding your proprietary information is crucial. Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs) stand as a frontline defence in protecting your sensitive data. But what exactly warrants the need for an NDA, and how can it serve your small business? The Essence of NDAs in Business An ...
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Essential Guidance for Small UK Business Owners For Mastering Contract Negotiations

For small business owners in the UK, navigating the maze of contract negotiations can be a daunting task. Whether it's securing favourable terms with suppliers, crafting client agreements, or managing service contracts, the art of negotiation is key to safeguarding your business interests. The Power of Professional Contract Negotiation Contract ...
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What You Need to Know As a Small Business Owner and Copyright

Understanding copyright is essential for small business owners in the UK. You might wonder, "As a small business owner, do I really need to be concerned about copyright?" The answer is a resounding yes. Copyright can significantly impact your business, from the content you create to the materials you use. ...
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Understanding the Importance of a Shareholders’ Agreement for Small UK Business Owners

Small business owners in the UK frequently find themselves delving into the intricate world of business ownership, which raises critical questions about the need for legal documents. So, is a shareholders' agreement essential for my business? A shareholders' agreement is essentially a safety net that provides clarity, security, and guidance ...
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The Role of Legal Expertise in Securing Your Future With Business Investment

For small UK business owners at the crossroads of expansion and seeking investment, the labyrinth of legal requirements and implications poses a significant challenge. "Do I need a lawyer to take investment in my business?" is a question that resonates deeply within the entrepreneurial community. The Critical Importance of Legal ...
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What is the process for selling my small business? 

Are you considering selling your small business but find yourself tangled in the complexities of the process? Selling a business is a significant decision, involving numerous steps that can seem daunting without the right guidance. Here at Jamieson Law, we aim to shed light on the journey of selling your ...
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Licence Agreements and How a Lawyer Can Be Your Guiding Light 

In the intricate dance of business operations, licence agreements play a pivotal role, especially for small UK business owners looking to leverage external assets or intellectual property (IP) effectively. Let’s delve into the critical importance of legal expertise in drafting, negotiating, and understanding licence agreements, ensuring they align perfectly with ...
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Do I Need Copyright Disclaimers for My Website? 

In the digital age, protecting your online content is more important than ever. For small UK business owners, this raises a crucial question: "Do I need copyright disclaimers for my website?" The short answer is yes. Copyright disclaimers serve as a vital legal tool to safeguard your website's content and ...
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Do I Need a Contract Lawyer for My Small Business? 

For small UK business owners navigating the complexities of commercial law, one question often arises: "Do I need a contract lawyer for my small business?" The simple answer is yes, and here’s why. A contract lawyer doesn't just draft documents; they are a crucial asset in ensuring your business operates ...
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Commercial Leases And Some Key Considerations for Small UK Business Owners

Taking on a commercial lease is a significant commitment for any small business owner in the UK. It's a decision that can influence your business's operational efficiency, financial health, and future growth. With complex terms and legal jargon, commercial leases can be daunting. Let’s break down the essential factors you ...
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Where Can I Get Legal Advice to Sell My Business?

If you're a small UK or Irish business owner contemplating the sale of your business, navigating the complex legal world can be daunting. Selling a business involves various legal considerations, from valuation and due diligence to negotiation and contract drafting. This is where finding the right professional legal advice becomes ...
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Do I Need to Trademark My Business? Understanding the Essentials for Small UK Business Owners

For small UK business owners navigating the complex waters of brand identity and protection, one critical question often arises: "Do I need to trademark my business?" This fundamental query touches the core of safeguarding your brand's uniqueness in a competitive market. At Jamieson Law, we're dedicated to clarifying these pivotal ...
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Navigating Royalties Contracts: Why Legal Advice is Essential for Creatives

In the world of publishing, whether you're an author, illustrator, or any creative professional, understanding and negotiating your royalties contract is a pivotal step in ensuring your work is valued and compensated fairly. But the question remains… do you need a lawyer to navigate this crucial agreement? As a dedicated ...
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Navigating Influencer Agreements: A Guide for Small UK Business Owners

In today’s digital-first world, influencer marketing has emerged as a powerful tool for businesses looking to expand their reach and connect with new audiences. For small UK business owners, leveraging influencers can be a game-changer, driving brand awareness, engagement, and sales. However, navigating the intricacies of influencer agreements is crucial ...
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Should I Sign an NDA? Guidance for Small UK Business Owners

In the business world, Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs) are a common and vital tool for protecting sensitive information. Whether you're in the midst of negotiations, discussing potential partnerships, or looking to protect your innovative ideas, the question of whether to sign an NDA can be crucial. As a leading small commercial ...
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Safeguarding Your Innovations: How to Protect Your Ideas in Business Meetings

For small UK business owners, ideas are not just fleeting thoughts; they are the lifeblood of innovation, growth, and competitive advantage. However, the excitement of sharing your ideas in business meetings can be overshadowed by the fear of them being copied or stolen. Understanding how to protect your intellectual property ...
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Protect Your Business From Brand Copycats

As a small business owner in the UK, your brand is not just a logo or a name; it's the essence of your identity, setting you apart in a competitive market. But what happens when someone tries to mirror your brand, confusing your customers and diluting your presence? Understanding how ...
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How to Negotiate the Sale of a Business: Essential Tips for Small UK Business Owners

Navigating the sale of a business is a pivotal moment for any small business owner. It’s not just a transaction; it’s the culmination of your hard work, dedication, and the dream you dared to make a reality. For small UK business owners, understanding the nuances of negotiating a business sale ...
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Will Musk be able to secure a Trademark for his re-brand?

This week was the start of Twitter’s rebranding to X. The famous Twitter logo is gone, and a black and white X has now replaced it. One of the first things that came to mind when I first heard of this rebrand was, ‘'Is Elon going to be able to ...
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The Legal Landscape of Software Development

In our rapidly evolving digital world, software development has become an essential element across various industries. Whether you're a tech startup on the cutting edge of innovation or an established company aiming to enhance your digital infrastructure, it is crucial to understand the legal aspects of software development. So, let’s ...
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Shareholders’ Agreements Are Your Secret Weapon for Business Harmony

A Shareholders' Agreement holds significant legal importance within the realm of corporate business. It can be likened to a prenuptial agreement in the corporate world, serving as a document for individuals entering into a business partnership, akin to a business marriage.   What exactly is a Shareholders' Agreement, and why ...
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Protecting Your Business from Day One

Starting a new business venture can be an exhilarating and challenging experience. Amid the excitement, it's crucial not to overlook the legal aspects that can protect your business’s future success. By taking proactive steps to protect your business from the start, you can establish a solid legal foundation that will ...
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How to Safeguard Your Business Ideas

Protecting your business ideas can prevent others from your innovations. Imagine you came up with a really unique idea, told everyone about it and then before you had time to protect it, someone else took the idea and out it into practice. Entrepreneurs need to protect their valuable ideas from ...
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How do you select a good Trademark name?

Selecting a good trademark name is a crucial element that involves considering several factors to ensure that the name is unique, distinctive, and capable of identifying the source of the goods or services associated with it. What you don't want is something generic or descriptive. For instance, you sell bananas ...
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Should you update your Terms and Conditions regularly?

As a business owner or service provider, you may have created terms and conditions (T&Cs) to outline your service or product and how you work. However, as your business grows or circumstances change, you may need to update your terms now and again. Can you change your terms and conditions? ...
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Due Diligence in Corporate Transactions

Recently at Jamieson Law, we have been involved in numerous corporate transactions that have highlighted the importance of conducting due diligence. We think it's crucial for anyone who is selling/buying a business to be aware of the importance of due diligence. This is a crucial process that companies undertake before ...
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How A Technology Lawyer Can Help You with GDPR

  What is a Technology Lawyer? A technology lawyer is a legal professional who specialises in providing legal services to individuals and businesses in the technology industry. They possess a deep understanding of the unique legal challenges that arise in technology-related fields, such as software development, data privacy, intellectual property, ...
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Scaling Your Tech Start-Up Legally

Do you run your own tech business or are starting off in the tech sphere? If you are, there are a number of steps you should think about to help safeguard your business while complying with relevant laws and regulations in your jurisdiction. Here are a few key points to ...
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Data Compliance For Your Technology Business

What is GDPR and why should your Technology business comply with the rules? GDPR is a set of regulations designed to protect the personal data of individuals. It applies to all businesses that process personal data, regardless of size, including technology companies in the UK. There are several reasons why ...
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The Importance of Data Protection for Businesses

As more and more business activities take place online, the importance of data protection has become increasingly clear. Data protection refers to the measures that businesses take to safeguard their sensitive information from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure.   There are several reasons why businesses need to be aware of ...
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What is Technology Law?

What is Technology Law? Technology law refers to the legal framework and regulations that govern the use and development of technology. It covers a wide range of topics, including (IP) intellectual property, data privacy, cybersecurity, and the liability of tech companies. Technology law plays a crucial role in shaping the ...
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Due Diligence: Legal Matters to Review Before Buying or Selling a Business

When buying a business, it's important for buyers to consider the legal aspects involved to ensure a smooth transaction and avoid any potential problems down the road. It's just as important that the sellers have everything in place from a legal perspective. Due diligence (DD) is the process of thoroughly ...
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Legal Protection for UK Technology Businesses: Key Considerations for Growth and Success

Technology businesses face unique challenges and legal implications as they grow and scale. From protecting their intellectual property to ensuring they comply with data privacy regulations, it’s essential for technology companies to have a strong legal foundation in place. Here, we’ll discuss the key areas of legal protection that technology ...
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Your Legal Guide To Selling a UK Business

Selling your business can be stressful and is a challenging task to say the least. There are lots to consider; whether that be tax, the legals or just being aware of how secure your future is going to be. Statistics show that without the right professional support in place, about ...
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Consumer Rights and What Business Owners Should Be Aware of

As we approach the festive period, it’s important to be aware of consumer rights! Yes, as a business owner, you should know what rights your customers have as well as your own rights! What are consumer rights? In the UK and EU, there is a range of laws protecting consumers ...
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Did You Know That We Can Help with Buying and Selling Companies?

With the end of the year fast approaching and thoughts turning to 2023, we find that this is the time of year when we get lots of enquiries about buying and selling businesses. If you’re thinking about switching things up a bit in 2023, here’s our quick guide to some ...
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How to Protect Your Business around Black Friday, Cyber Monday and Christmas

November and December are the busiest months of the year for many businesses. Sales peak, which is great, but with great power comes great responsibility. This brings me on to the legal issues you should be aware of when selling around Black Friday, Cyber Monday and during the festive period. ...
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What You Really Need To Know About Client Contracts

Client contracts are so important as they set out from the get-go everything the client needs to know about your relationship with them, what they can expect from you, and more importantly what you can expect from them. Before I get into it, it’s important to add that a client ...
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Protect Your Business

We are just over Halloween but that doesn't mean all the scary business stuff has disappeared off the face of the earth. This week over at Jamieson Law we have been talking about all things spooky! Whether that be having your trademarks in place, supplier agreements up to date or ...
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IR35 – The New Law Change

We’ve been back and forth, and upside down, with all the changes relating to IR35 in recent years. IR35 is the off-payroll working rules, and applies to self-employed contractors providing services through a limited company. The rules are in place to ensure that contractors pay the correct amount of tax ...
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Be Aware of Legal Vulnerabilities

One of the most important aspects to think about from a legal point of view is the vulnerabilities that could be hiding in the tiny cracks of your business. Here are some actionable steps to carry out to make sure that your business is fully protected.   Brand Protection Brand ...
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Employee Handbooks and Why You Should Have One As A Business Owner

 What is an ‘employee handbook’ and should you have one? This article is directed at businesses planning on hiring staff, as well as businesses who already have employees on the books, but need to understand the paperwork they are required to have in place. Let’s dive straight in!   Employment ...
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Protect Your Copyright Before It’s Too Late

We hear a lot about intellectual property (IP) protection while starting and growing a business. Lots of people say they “need to protect their IP”, but not so many are clear about how and why. We talk a lot about trademarks, protecting your branding – your name, your logo, maybe ...
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Why You Should Trademark Your Business Name or Logo

You might have noticed, but trademarks and brand protection are among our favourite topics here at JL. There’s good reason for this! Trademarks are very important to businesses. Why, might you ask? Why register a trade mark? By registering your branding, like your company name, logo, product name or slogan, ...
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Client Contract or Terms and Conditions?

We get this question a lot "What's the difference between a client contract and client terms and conditions?". The answer is they're the exact same thing.  A client contract or client T&Cs should both cover the same legal bases, because, at the end of the day, their purpose is to ...
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Verbal Contracts; Are They Legally Binding?

Let's talk about verbal contracts. I hope that businesses would always have written contracts in place, but you never know, there’s always one. When you think of verbal contracts, you’re probably wondering to yourself  ''are they legally binding like a written contract is?’’ It’s widely assumed that verbal agreements are ...
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Does registering your trademark in the UK give you protection elsewhere?

If you haven't already realised, trademarking is one of our favourite topics here at Jamieson Law. One question we get pretty often across the board is "does registering your trademark in the UK give you protection elsewhere?". For example, would registering your trademark in the UK protect your brand name ...
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AI Developers, this one is for you: New UK data mining copyright exception for Text and Data Mining

If you’re an AI developer, then you may have heard of the UK Governments future plans regarding Text and Data Mining (TDM) and copyright. The initial Copyright, Designs and Patents Act (that sets out the UK’s current intellectual property rules and regulations) was introduced initially in 1988, a time where ...
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Your Software Probably Doesn’t Need a Patent. Here’s What it Needs Instead:

So, you've created a piece of software. Maybe it collates information from lots of different places, allowing streamlined lead generation for clients. Maybe it it's a new CRM system for clients to manage their data. It might be an app or a web-based platform. That is incredibly exciting! So how ...
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Shareholders’​ Agreements: The Prenup of the Corporate World

A Shareholders’ Agreement is an INSANELY important legal document in the corporate business sphere. We like to think of them as the prenup of the corporate world! Instead of them being like a document in place for people who are about to get married, it’s for those about to go ...
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Going into business with your best mate doesn’t mean you don’t need a contract. This is why:

Picture this. You and your best mate, that you’ve been friends with since you were wee, are aspiring entrepreneurs. You’re both thinking “hey, why don’t we go at this together”, you decide to join forces. What could be better than working alongside your best friend, right? You’re brainstorming when finally, ...
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Beyoncé WINS Trademark Opposition

At Jamieson Law, we're *kind of* obsessed with celebrity trademark battles and dramas. We know, it's a bit sad, it's the trademark geek inside of us all coming out! Let’s chat about an interesting one involving a celebrity icon. So Beyoncé of course had her daughter 'Blue Ivy Carter' back ...
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Keeping your website and social media legal

Where would businesses be without websites (or social media, for that matter)? Gone are the days of looking up a shop in the Yellow Pages. If we need to know anything about a business, all we do is type them into Google or check out their Instagram! If you're a ...
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The Chamber of Trademarks

We’re often asked by clients whether they can use notable words or phrases, like “Muggles” in their business without infringing on copyright or trademark. If these words have been trademarked, the simple answer is no.   As we know, trademarks are a tool that most companies, big or small, strive ...
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Winning-the-Pooh: Public Domain Day

You might have seen that Winnie-the-Pooh hit the headlines this week. The reason is that Hollywood actor, Ryan Reynolds, has satirised the bear in an ad for his telecommunications company, Mint Mobile. How was he able to do this, I hear you ask? The rule of thumb for most creative ...
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All I Want for Christmas is to be Legally Protected

For me, I start to get in the holiday spirit when I see the John Lewis advert on the telly. Sometimes this is earlier than I might like to realise, as I’m yet to make the lists and do the shopping (last minute is my middle name), but as a ...
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The Devil is in the…Data Protection Breach

We’ve been talking A LOT about data protection on our socials this week. Since it’s almost Halloween, let’s scare you a little… For the most serious of data protection breaches, you could face a maximum fine of £17.5 million or 4% of your annual global turnover, whichever is greater. Are ...
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WWW (What Websites Want)

No, this isn’t a knock-off of that Mel Gibson film… today, we’re talking about website compliance! It sounds boring but this is super important for pretty much every business since operating a website isn’t so much a choice in today’s age, but a necessity! In a nutshell, your website needs ...
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Dealing with Clients from Hell

Entering into a contract with someone is kind of like starting a new relationship. You walk into it with the best of intentions, and you have every hope that it will be a match made in heaven. But…you always have to prepare for the slight possibility that things could go ...
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Coaching 101: the Legal Side

In today’s age, it seems that more and more people are looking to better themselves, whether it’s in their career, their relationships, or with their mindset completely. For that reason, many of the Legal Advice calls we take are from those setting up coaching businesses. Generally they are looking for ...
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Setting up for Success

Many of us have dreamed of starting up own businesses, but the process sounds daunting. The reality is, it doesn’t need to be. It’s actually easier than it seems! Following a specific framework can make the process much simpler and much more manageable. Here at Jamieson Law, we implement ‘The ...
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The Importance Of Trademarks

As you may notice, we talk A LOT about trademarks, and with good reason! They are critical to a smooth-running, hassle-free business. In a nutshell, trademarking is the legal protection of your branding, like your company name, logo, product name, slogan etc – basically everything that makes your business yours ...
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Client Wins!

Client wins!!! We work with some super interesting, innovative and cool businesses over here at Jamieson Law. We want to shout about them from the rooftops! What a better way to do so than by sharing some of their major wins? Today we’re chatting about our brilliant clients over at ...
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The Legal Vulnerabilities that you NEED to be aware of

Well, here we are in the second quarter of 2021 already – where has the time gone? Q2 has brought loads of excitement for us all already – the UK has started easing its lockdown restrictions, meaning many businesses are finally starting to be able to open their doors again ...
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The European Commission V AstraZeneca

Today we’re chatting a bit about a Covid-EU related legal update. So, we all know that for the past while there have been some major tensions and issues growing between the EU and AstraZeneca So what’s the lowdown? Well, it all comes down to a shortfall in the initial dose ...
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Mental Health In The Workplace

The past year has been the most mentally challenging year for everyone on the planet. For many of us, we switched from being in the office every day surrounded by our colleagues to working from home on our own. Some people lost their jobs completely and lack of physical connection ...
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IR35 in a nutshell

On Tuesday the 6th of April 2021, the new tax year starts. Do you know what that means? IR35 changes will be coming into effect! In 6 days, the new off-payroll workings rules will be rolled out Preparation is KEY here. Here's what you need to know in a nutshell: Changes ...
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What should you be prioritising to become the unstoppable CEO?

We all know the basics of running a business and being a CEO. But there’s a key word to note there ‘Basic’. That’s not what you want to be, right? We know we don’t anyway. You want to visualise the bigger picture, so you can become the ‘unstoppable CEO’. So, ...
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How different would your business have been if you were protected before Covid?

Hindsight is 20/20 (literally!), we know that. A lot of the time we do look back and reflect on what we’ve done and find something we wish we did completely differently. We’re all a bit guilty of it. So, on that note, would things have been different if your business ...
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The Importance Of Looking After Your Employees

“You can have the best strategy and the best building in the world, but if you don’t have the hearts and minds of the people who work with you, none of it comes to life.” – Renee West   What is every organisation's most important asset? People It is widely agreed ...
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3 sure-fire ways to make sure you WON’T be paid by your clients

“My client hasn’t paid me and I don’t know what to do”. A horrible situation to be in, and a phrase we unfortunately far too often. Mostly all of us have had to deal with it, and it’s quite frankly, awful. There is no glaringly obvious solution that will make ...
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5 Employment Law dates you need to keep in mind for 2021

We all know that the law isn’t static. It’s forever changing, and it’s super important to keep up to date with any changes in policy and regulation that come about An important one to keep up to speed with is employment law changes. As an employer, it is your duty ...
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Do you just keep receiving refund requests?

Whether you're a product seller or service provider, a coach, a consultant, a tech business, an accountant, a digital marketer, there may be a time where you receive kickback from clients regarding receiving a refund. It's bound to happen as you grow and scale, people are always trying to chance ...
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Establishing in the Netherlands due to Brexit

Here at Jamieson Law, we're here to help you navigate the often tricky waters of Brexit as a business owner. We've discussed setting up a subsidiary in the EU for access purposes in Ireland, now the Netherlands is up next. Could setting up a subsidiary company in the Netherlands be ...
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8 common contract clauses what they mean

How many times have you had a contract drafted or put in front of you to sign and thought 'what does any of this actually mean'? Legal jargon is, quite frankly, no fun whatsoever. If you aren't a legal professional, it can be tricky figuring out exactly what these mean. ...
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Clubhouse and privacy issues

Clubhouse, the new networking platform that’s become all the rage. We have to be honest...we were getting severe FOMO (fear of missing out) and HAD to get an invite. Who wouldn’t want to be in a room with celebrities?! But with new apps comes new privacy issues. Is clubhouse going ...
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IIR35 and what to look for in your contracts

Is IR35 causing you confusion? Are you not really sure if it applies to you or not? Well, first things first - it doesn’t apply if you’re a sole trader or freelancer. Limited companies with 1 shareholder or director are the ones to likely get caught out by it here. If ...
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Establishing in Ireland due to Brexit

As we're sure most of you have seen in the news, it seems the government are urging businesses to set up in the EU after Brexit. Confusion and worries aside, let’s talk about setting up in Ireland. Is this a good option for you? Let's consider some points: Ireland (in ...
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Trademark Battle: Elvis VS BrewDog

The King is back in the building...and so are we with another celebrity trademark battle, you know that these are our favourite (fun and educational, can you beat that?!). Have you heard of this big trademark clash that happened a few years back between the King of Rock and Roll ...
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Are clients asking you to reduce your rates?

We've got a question for you. Have you ever had a client ask you to reduce your rates? We have, it's bound to happen at some stage as a growing or scaling business. Have you never really been sure what to do in that kind of situation? Do you feel ...
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Reviewing your contracts in the times of Brexit

Ah yes, another thing to add to the Brexit list. But this is actually super important. Your contracts might not be viable now in light of Brexit, there are certain things you need to think of. For example: Increased trade barriers Movement of people Currency changes Changes in legal jurisdiction ...
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Our HR support function

Something you *may* not know about us here at Jamieson Law is that we offer a HR legal support function for your business! That's right, we don't just help with the 'classic' legals, we cover so many bases to make sure your business runs smoothly. We're passionate about employee relations ...
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The triplets of intellectual property

If you want to grow and scale your business, you’ll want to know the basics of intellectual property (IP). Building a bullet-proof brand, strong, sustainable brand  all comes down to protecting your all important IP. Growing a business without robust IP protection is incredibly risky, and to be honest, it ...
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Dealing with clients that won’t pay

Have you ever been stung by a client that just will not pay? We’ve all been there. It’s an incredibly stressful situation to deal with. No matter how well you try to align yourself and your business to work with your ideal clients, it's likely going to happen at one ...
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Did you know that Merry Christmas is trademarked?

Here's a fun Christmas fact for you, did you know that 'Merry Christmas' is actually trademarked?! With all the mass produced Christmas stuff we see every year, it’s pretty crazy to think about. In fact, in the US there are actually four federally registered trademarks for ‘Merry Christmas': 1. For ...
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MythBusters: Let’s debunk some brand protection myths

The legal world is full to the brim of misconceptions and myths that can be incredibly damaging for you and your business. Think about it this way, if you believe A but the truth is B, this could lead to a whole bunch of issues down the line. Here at ...
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Trademark Battle: The Clash of the Kylie’s

Here at Jamieson Law, we have a bit of a guilty pleasure - looking up celebrity trademark cases. We hear you saying "get a life", but we're trademark geeks and proud (and we'll shout this from the rooftops)! Not only are these cases interesting to read in general, we can ...
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Is your business Brexit ready?

Ah yes, here we go again chatting about Brexit... But there is a reason we keep banging on about it You need to be prepared! The withdrawal period will be over very very soon, and there are bunch of things you need to consider as a business owner... Are your ...
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5 reasons why legally protecting your brand is insanely important

Starting your business is super exciting. You just want to get going with the fun stuff…but often this means that the more ‘boring’ things can be left out. This frequently comes down to legal matters. As uninteresting as it may seem, protecting your business from a legal perspective is INCREDIBLY ...
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*We’re regulated by the Law Society of Scotland and our Irish firm is regulated by the Law Society of Ireland. This doesn’t mean we can only advise Scottish or Irish clients - we work with clients across the UK and Ireland on business and brand protection matters. We do not deal with matters surrounding disputes and litigation. We are qualified in English, Scots and Irish law. We can also advise on New York and California law*

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