Our Services



At Jamieson Law, we don’t force work into ‘departments’ like they do at other firms. We understand you need your lawyer to understand what you need and help you along the way. None of this - I’ll speak to Corporate about that question!

Having said that, there are different types of work that you will need help with, and this page describes what we can do for you.


This is where you need to look if you are in business with a partner, or are looking for investment or to sell your business at some stage. This can apply to a lot of different types of businesses, although we see a lot of people in the tech industry in particular dealing with this stuff!

Shareholders agreements
Joint venture agreements
Partnership agreements
Heads of terms
Share purchase agreements
Asset purchase agreements
Articles of association
Simple share transfers

It is really important that you protect your own interests, as well as your business’s interests, when dealing with someone other than yourself in business. Things may be rosy at the start but, unfortunately, the worst can happen. 

By getting these types of documents in place from the start, this helps make the ‘worst’ a little easier to stomach.


This is your ‘contracts’ bit!

If you’re needing help with drafting a client contract, negotiating supplier terms or drafting website documents, we can help.

Some of the main documents we can help with are:

Client contracts
Supplier agreements
Non-disclosure agreements
Website terms and conditions
Privacy policies
Acceptable use policies
Introducer agreements
Collaboration agreements
Contractor agreements
Employment agreements
Employee handbooks

There are a lot of weird and wonderful contracts we can help you with so, if it’s not listed here, give us a shout!


The new data protection rules came into force in the EU in May 2018. There are a few things that businesses should have done (and should still be doing) to ensure that they comply with GDPR:

Registering with the Information Commissioner’s Office (if UK based)
Having the right privacy policy and cookies policy in place
Preparing internal GDPR policies
Ensuring the correct clauses are in their contracts
Carrying out due diligence on their data processors
Putting data processing agreements in place
Doing regular reviews of their own internal data security procedures

Fines for not complying with GDPR are up to EUR 20 million or 4% of annual global turnover. This is a frightening prospect for most businesses - not one to fool around with.

The UK is leaving the EU and this will create another set of issues. All of a sudden, EU businesses will be transferring data ‘outside the EU’ if they send it to the UK. It’s really important that you take steps to make sure this is all covered off by the end of December.

The EU recently made a legal decision which has meant that transferring personal data to the US has become a lot harder. If you send data from the UK/EU to the US, get in touch, as there are steps you need to be taking to make sure you’re not breaching GDPR.

California brought in similar rules to GDPR last year (not as strict - think of it as ‘Baby GDPR’!) If you are based in California, or could have clients in California, it’s important you consider this too.


The sexy stuff! Protecting your branding and your ideas. Here’s a little about what you should be thinking of, and what we can do to help…


Copyright basically means protecting work you create (things like when you write a process, an article, a video… all protected by copyright).

In the UK, you don’t register for copyright protection. It just exists, but it’s your responsibility to ‘tell the world’ about it - this means you’re as protected as you can be.

How do you tell the world?

You make sure you have the right wording in your client contracts, on your website and in any contracts you sign. What you don’t do is sign contracts that transfer all of your work to your client or your supplier (this might sound far-fetched - I come across people that have done this almost daily; and it’s tragic).

We can help you protect your work and keep it safe so your hard work actually pays off.


You register a trademark to protect your branding - your brand name, product name, a slogan or a logo/image. You register to protect these things in certain countries, and for a certain period of time (normally 5-10 years).

We pride ourselves on being trademark experts - and we can help you get your trademark registered in the UK, the EU and the US.

It is true that you can run a trademark registration process yourself. However, it’s really common that self-registrations are rejected (and you’ve paid the government fees for the privilege of being rejected!) 

It is an ‘art’ to know how to properly describe a trademark so that it gets registered, and registered properly for that matter, and to make sure you have enough information when applying to know who else has a similar trademark (and might challenge yours!)


We also offer intellectual property health checks - one hour calls to run through all the intellectual property you’re holding in your business, making sure it’s properly protected, and taking steps to ensure you’re not infringing on anyone else’s copyright. Click here to book the health check at a time that suits you:.

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If you have any questions about any of our services please do not hesitate to send us a message.

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*We’re regulated by the Law Society of Scotland and our Irish firm is regulated by the Law Society of Ireland. This doesn’t mean we can only advise Scottish or Irish clients - we work with clients across the UK and Ireland on business and brand protection matters. We do not deal with matters surrounding disputes and litigation. We are qualified in English, Scots and Irish law. We can also advise on New York and California law*

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