Legal Update

Understanding good and bad leaver provisions 

When it comes to employee share options and equity ownership within a company, “good” and “bad” leaver provisions play a crucial role in defining the rights and outcomes for employees who leave their employment. At Jamieson Law, we recognise the importance of understanding good and bad lever provisions to ensure clarity, fairness, and protection for […]

Understanding good and bad leaver provisions  Read More »

What is due diligence and what’s involved? 

Due diligence is a critical part of selling your business. It’s a process whereby both parties have the opportunity to provide and receive a clear understanding of the financial, commercial, operational and legal state of a business.   If you’re the seller of a business, the terms may require you to stay in your business for

What is due diligence and what’s involved?  Read More »

Setting up a share options pool for your team

Thinking of selling your business? Here’s how to prepare for it

Selling a business is a significant decision, one that requires thorough preparation and careful consideration to make sure that the outcome is both successful and profitable for you. We’ve created 6 key areas that you will need to focus on as you prepare to sell your business: 1. Get your financials in order Often the

Thinking of selling your business? Here’s how to prepare for it Read More »

How to protect your business during economic downturns

Economic downturns can pose significant challenges for businesses, but with the right strategies and legal measures in place, you can safeguard your business and navigate through tough times. For business owners in the UK and Ireland, understanding how to protect your business during economic challenges is essential. Diversify revenue streams Why it matters Diversifying your

How to protect your business during economic downturns Read More »

Commercial property and what insurance you need

When owning or leasing commercial property, having the right insurance coverage is crucial. It not only protects your investment but also ensures compliance with legal requirements. For business owners in the UK and Ireland, understanding the types of insurance necessary for commercial property and the associated legal implications is essential. Types of insurance necessary for

Commercial property and what insurance you need Read More »

Setting up a franchise business and the legal requirements and considerations

Starting a franchise business can be an exciting and lucrative opportunity, but it requires careful planning and attention to legal details. For business owners in the UK and Ireland, understanding the legal requirements and considerations is crucial to ensuring a successful and compliant franchise. Legal requirements for setting up a franchise Franchise agreement The franchise

Setting up a franchise business and the legal requirements and considerations Read More »

What our clients are saying about the upcoming general election

As the UK gears up for the upcoming general election on July 4th, businesses across the country are closely watching the political landscape. At Jamieson Law, we recently surveyed our clients to understand their concerns and priorities during this pivotal time. Here’s what they had to say: Top priorities for the new government Access to

What our clients are saying about the upcoming general election Read More »

AI Means I need to reduce headcount, how do I do this fairly?

As Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to advance and integrate into various business operations, many UK and Irish businesses are finding themselves in a position where reducing headcount is necessary. While AI can greatly enhance efficiency and productivity, it also poses challenges, particularly in terms of workforce management. Ensuring that any reduction in staff is handled

AI Means I need to reduce headcount, how do I do this fairly? Read More »

How is AI impacting businesses legally?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionising businesses across the globe, and the UK and Ireland are no exceptions. From automating routine tasks to providing insights through data analysis, AI offers tremendous benefits. However, the integration of AI into business operations also brings a host of legal considerations that business owners must address. Data protection and privacy

How is AI impacting businesses legally? Read More »

Essential considerations when taking out a lease for your business 

Securing a commercial lease is a significant decision for any UK and Irish business owner. It involves long-term commitments and can have profound effects on your business’s operational capabilities and financial health. Understanding the key elements of a commercial lease and what to watch out for can save you from potential pitfalls down the line.

Essential considerations when taking out a lease for your business  Read More »

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